Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Architecture essays

Architecture essays Architecture is one remarkable human endeavor, one of the means through which we try to creat order and make sense of our endlessly intriguing, yet messy world. And to provide ourselves with shelter. We all live and work in buildings. From the humblest to the sublime, there is no reason why any of these should be less than inspiring even in small ways. The turn of a stair, the way sunlight falls through windows in memorizing patterns on the floor, Materials cool to the touch in the heat of summer, the rhythm of an arcade, and the pregnant quality of a dome. At its best, Architecture, whisch is different from mere building, lifts our spirits and sends shivers down our spines; at its worst, it belittles us, although it really shouldnt. Except on rare escapes to desert landscapes, or hiking high in the mountains, or sailing the open seas, most people are surrounded by buildings. There is, though, a difference - a very important one - between building and architecture. Animals can build. Birds build nests of great sophistication, bees build hives with an innate sence of geometry. People on the other hand, developed architecture. This is, to be blunt, the science and art of building, or to be more poetic, the moment that a building is imbued with a knowing magic that tranforms it from a mere shelter into that of a self-conscious work of art. This art might offend and baffle as well as delight. Yet from the magnificence of the Parthenon and the graciousness of the temples of Mahabalipuram, through the soaring ambition of medevial Gothic cathedrals to the skyscrapers of the twentieth century, Architecture is a continually evolving art. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Famous Quotes That Reveal the True Face of Politics

Famous Quotes That Reveal the True Face of Politics Here are 20 famous people who have made especially astute, witty, or informative  statements about politics. Some have been in a position of power, others have had a birds eye view of the drama that goes on within hallowed halls. Their opinions carry a wealth of wisdom. Dalton Camp Canadian politician Dalton Camp was a supporter of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, and was one of the foremost voices of Red Toryism. Camp made this comment to mean that politics often concentrates on unimportant things instead of paying attention to bigger issues.   Politics is made up largely of irrelevancies. Will Durant American philosopher and historian Will Durant was well known for The History of Civilization. His words basically sum up what governments actually do.   The political machine triumphs because it is united minority acting against a divided majority. Nikita Khrushchev Nikita Khrushchev was  a Russian politician, and served as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He made this comment on 22 August 1963 to Chicago Tribune in the context of the construction of a bridge in Belgrade, to emphasize that a politicians word is completely redundant.   Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. Texas Guinan Texas Guinan was an American actress. Her clever use of irony express the shrewdness of a politician who can use anyone for the benefit of ones country. A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country. Napoleon Bonaparte One of the greatest military leaders of the world, Napoleon Bonaparte was a master strategist and a consummate politician. Bonapartes words carry a wealth of wisdom when he says that irrationality is a welcome quality in politics.     Ã‚     In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap. Saul Bellow Saul Bellow was a Canadian-born American writer, who won the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes. His words belie a sense of disdain for politicians who seem like amateurs. Take our politicians: theyre a bunch of yo-yos. The presidency is now a cross between a popularity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of clichà ©s the first prize. Francis Bacon Francis Bacon was an English philosopher and his quote here means that politicians find it tough to remain absolutely true to their calling, just like it is difficult to be completely moral. It is as hard and severe a thing to be a true politician as to be truly moral. Albert Einstein Famous scientist Albert Einstein urges citizens to be involved in politics. But he also concedes that politics is more complex than science.   Politics is more difficult than physics. Mao Tse-Tung Mao Tse-Tung was the founder of the People’s Republic of China. He explains that politics and war are almost the same except that in the former there isnt actual bloodshed involved.   Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. Otto Von Bismarck These words by conservative Prussian Otto Von Bismarck mean that politics can make anything happen.   Politics is the art of the possible. Henry David Thoreau American writer Henry David Thoreau opines that no country can be completely free and unshackled, unless it accepts that the individual is supreme.   There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power. William Shakespeare English playwright William Shakespeare tells us that a politician would always try to avoid God, as the politician is not truthful. A politician†¦ one that would circumvent God. Tom Wolfe American author and journalist Tom Wolfe expresses that there are no true liberals in this world.   A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested. Marianne Thieme Dutch politician Marianne Thieme says that politicians have given more importance to money rather than to nature. She said this to the International Press Association members during a speech in The Hague. Politicians and corporations have always placed economic interests above moral interests. This is now hurting the entire planet. Aristotle Greek philosopher, and the father of politics, Aristotle reveals the sad truth about politicians who have no free time as they are always aiming for something.   Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness. Charles de Gaulle French President Charles de Gaulle talked about how politicians pretend to serve the people, but their ulterior motive is to always rule them. In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant. John Fitzgerald Kennedy US President JFK reveals the irony of life. His own illustrious career, as a politician and a president, is testimonial to this. Mothers all want their sons to grow up to be president but they dont want them to become politicians in the process. Abraham Lincoln American President Abraham Lincoln was a man of democratic views. He believed in the power of the people, in the truest sense. This quote was made during his speech at the first Republican State Convention of Illinois on May 29, 1856. The ballot is stronger than the bullet. H. L. Mencken Liberal thinker American journalist H. L. Mencken reveals the dirt beneath the rock. He expresses that politics is mostly about parties trying to bring each other down.   Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule and both commonly succeed, and are right. Eugene McCarthy   American Senator Eugene McCarthy says it with a straight face. He does not mince words. Through this quote he reveals that politics takes a lot of shrewdness to understand, not to mention bravado to think that it is important enough to be involved in.   Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think its important.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The impacts on the financial decision process of human elements Essay - 1

The impacts on the financial decision process of human elements - Essay Example Financial decisions are made in a systematic process. Organization factions are run by individuals who are entrusted with carrying on the vision and the mission of the company. As such, human elements is one the key components in the formula of financial decisions success. This paper will evaluate the impacts of the human elements in the process of making financial decisions. As preamble, the paper commences by reviewing types of financial decisions that are made in the organization. The financial decision making process is then assessed. The study then evaluates the types of human elements that characterize the contemporary organization. The impacts of the identified human elements are then analysed with the intent of revealing the extent to which they affect the whole process of making the financial decisions. The study then concludes the findings by giving a brief summary of all the main ideas given in the whole study. Strategic financial decisions are mainly made by the senior management of the organization after the approval by the shareholders. There are three main financial decisions that are made within the organizations, that is, investment, financing and dividend policy decisions. The investment decisions involve identifying the available opportunities for the investment and investing the shareholders funds in the best investment that has high returns and low risks. The financing decisions are the decisions that are made to identify the possible sources of fund to the organization and then selecting three best source of fund. The main sources of fund for the investment to the organization are commercial loans, organization has retained earnings, fund sourced from the capital market, the grants from other organizations and issuing of the corporate bonds (Cascio, John and Boudreau 2010, p.255) On the other hand, the dividend decisions are the decisions, which are made to determine how the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Organisational purposes and swot analysis Essay

Organisational purposes and swot analysis - Essay Example 3 Mission, Vision and objective of the company 3 SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) analysis 4 Strategic recommendations 7 8 Conclusion 8 References 9 Introduction Established in 1945, Tata Motors is one of the leading vehicle manufacturers of India with consolidated revenue of $32.5 billion in the financial year 2011-2012. The company is a leader in passenger and commercial vehicles and is also the fourth largest bus and truck manufacturer in India. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and manufactures approximately 7.5 million vehicles annually (TATA Motors, 2013a). Mission, Vision and objective of the company The vision of the company is to develop the TATA Motors into a world class vehicle manufacturer which believes in manufacturing superior and innovative value vehicles. TATA believes that it can be a world class manufacturer by giving the cars a product appeal at a lower ownership cost (TATA Motors, 2013b). The mission and objectives of Tata Mot ors are stated below 1) To create shareholder’s value by generating revenue in excess or equal to WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) during the business downfall. 2) To strengthen the brand value of the company and build an everlasting relationship with the customers by working closely with the business partners. 3) It believes in creating an organization which believes in innovation, excellence and complying with the core values of the company. 4) The company believes in enhancing and developing a long lasting relationship with the vendors and channel partners of the company that would ultimately benefit the customers and stakeholders in the long run. 5) The company believes in promoting the economic growth and development by initiating environment protection and awareness measures (TATA Motors, 2013c). TATA Motors believes that a company can achieve efficiency only if it practices ethical and transparent policies and develops a congenial working atmosphere which believ es in excellence, integrity, passion for work, innovation, concern for the environment (TATA Motors, 2013g). SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) analysis The results derived from the SWOT analysis helps in accomplishing the mission of the company by utilizing the opportunities and strength of the company, avoiding the threats and rectifying the weakness of the company (Griffin, 2011). Strength Research and Development: The company is the leader in the manufacturing of light commercial vehicles in each segment and among the top three in passenger vehicles in India. The company owes its credit to the exquisite research and development team. The engineering and research centre of the company was established in the year 1966 and is equipped with more than 4500 engineers and scientists (TATA Motors, 2013b). Currently, the research and development team of the company has emerged with a Hybrid series car named TATA Manza which was displayed at the Auto Expo exhibition in Del hi. The research and development team is also planning to manufacture fuel efficient buses, the program will be supported by the government of India. The company has spent 15.49 billion in research and development activities during in the year 2011 (TATA Motors, 2013d). Globalization: The company has acquired several foreign brands to increase its presence globally and has a strong presence in UK, South Korea, Thailand, Spain, South Africa and Argentina and further plans to set up its plant in Turkey, Eastern Europe and Indonesia (TATA Motors,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians Essay Example for Free

Relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians Essay With reference to other aspects of human experience, comment on the claim that relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians. Justify your answer. [15] Ethical relativism is the theory that states morality is relative to culture and circumstance, meaning the same action may be morally right in one society but be morally wrong in another. For example, most societies believe the act of sacrificing either people or animals is wrong, but there are tribal cultures that perceive it as part of normal life. If one takes this approach there are no such things as moral absolutes, and this can pose problems for Christians. For most Christians ethics are dependent on rules recorded in the Bible. Paul instructs, â€Å"Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.† In the Old Testament especially there are many empathic statements such as, â€Å"Do not kill,† which do not leave much room for ethical relativism. They reject the idea that the ends could justify the means, because sin is sin no matter what the intentions behind it were. Slick wrote on this topic, â€Å"I consider moral absolutes to be real because they come from God and not because they are determined by the whims of mankind.† One of the main criticisms of ethical relativism from within Christian circles is how it leads to a subjective view on morality. If there are no fixed moral truths then that leaves the individual as the supreme moral agent. Under this theory it could be argued the Holocaust was moral – after all, it was the view of that culture that Jews should be exterminated. Anti-Semitism was a societal norm. Groothuis put forward this view: â€Å"Surely any morally sane person must ethically condemn Nazi atrocities as evil †¦ but relativism cannot permit such judgments. The morality of everything is relative — even genocide.† Humans are tainted by sin and therefore are predisposed to make poor choices. On the other hand, relativism does not necessarily mean that anything is acceptable. This is too simplistic a way of looking at it. For example, Peter Singer would describe himself as a believer in ethical relativity, but he wrote, â€Å"what has to be shown to put practical ethics on a sound basis is that ethical reasoning is possible.† He rejected the idea of moral absolutes but also rejected the idea that you could not criticise the choices of others. He stated that human reason is a major factor when it comes to decision making, and that it is not simply a case of choosing what pleases you most. Many Christians have no problem reconciling the Bible with a relativistic approach to ethics. After all, even the Bible contains things that modern day believers do not adhere to such as slavery. When the Bible addresses a topic it should not be compared against the sensibilities of the modern world, but rather against the culture of the ones to whom the Bible was addressed. The Bible was written a long time ago by fallible humans and Christian denominations such as the United Methodist Church in the USA hold a position of ethical relativism. This has led them to performing same-sex weddings and other things that set them apart from their conservative counterparts. They see relativism not as a problem for Christians, but something that can free them from legalism and allow them to be more loving. Strict adherence to Sola Scriptura when it comes to ethics can reject the believer’s own conscience and work of the Holy Spirit, which are also a necessary part of moral decisions. This is similar to those that espouse Christian utilitarianism and believe that God wants them to be happy, even if it requires breaking Biblical law. In the words of Zack Hunt, â€Å"Don’t let dogma and doctrine get in the way of practicing Love, who is God.†

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Leadership Skills Essay -- Management

When an organization, business, or agency fails to achieve their set objectives poor leadership is regularly scrutinized as the leading cause of inefficiency. In many respects this holds true because of the countless skills need to successfully lead in both public and private enterprise. Although there are similarities between both public and private management, public servants are held directly accountable to their customers/citizens. In light of this, leadership skills within the public sector are essentials in providing its customers with public goods. These public goods include welfare programs, education, police protection and environmental standards (Starling, 2011 p. 28). If public entities contained leaders that possess interpersonal, informational, and communicational skills governmental programs and services would be more efficient. Throughout this analysis we will address the case study of Dr. Helene Gayle and apply the skills of effective leadership to its events. Interpersonal skills One of the many challenges facing public administrators today is the need to build relationships that foster a work environment that is conducive to collaboration. With numerous social issues transcending borders, the need to cooperate is high. It is stated in Norma Riccucci text that one of the reasons why Gayle is a successful public servants is her interpersonal skills in building strong relationships which created an organizational atmosphere that encouraged teamwork across agencies and borders. According to Riccucci text â€Å"one of the reasons why Dr. Gayle has been so successful at collaboration-building bridges and fostering communication between the federal government, various communities, and global partners-is her skillful i... ...c administrators must process certain leadership skills to effectively manage public policy. In analyses of Norma Riccuccis case study it was found that Gayle success within public health was due to her leadership skills. Gayle’s ability to balance political influence with her own vision of public health created an agency of cooperation. References Riccucci, Norma, M. (2002). Managing Across Boundaries: A case study of Dr. Helene Gayle and the AIDS epidemic. Transforming Organizations Series, Retrieved from: https://bblearn.nau.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-866618-dt-content-rid-10067936_1/courses/1121-NAU00-PAS-421C-SEC806-7479.NAU-PSSIS/AIDSEpidemic.pdf Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2010). Leadership, theory, application, & skill development. (4 ed.). South-Western Pub. Starling, G. (2011). Managing the public sector. (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Pub Co.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Doll’s House: Nora’s Character Essay

From the first moments of her entrance, the audience perceives Nora Helmer as a spoiled, childish young woman. She is revealed as a loving woman who wants to spoil her family with more Christmas gifts that she may be able to afford. She also continues to eat macaroons in secret, deliberately against her husband’s wishes, which shows a child’s stubbornness and determination. Throughout Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House, Nora Helmer grows from what the audience perceives as a flighty, immature child to a level-headed, mature woman. After the entrance of Mrs. Linde, Nora’s childhood friend, the audience learns that Nora has borrowed money – something that women of that time were not permitted to do. Not only did she borrow money, but she borrowed it through an unscrupulous banker that Torvald works with, Krogstad. Although her intentions were admirable, Nora’s partaking in an illegal practice showed more immaturity on her part. Having to lie to Torvald about what she was doing with the money he gave her only further proves that she was not capable of handling such a serious transaction. During Nora’s talks with Torvald over Krogstad, Torvald says, â€Å"Almost everyone who goes bad early in life has a mother who’s a chronic liar† (Ibsen 1527). This news causes Nora to panic and shut down all contact with her three children. While a statement such as that does warrant some kind of reaction, Nora’s extreme actions show a blind confidence in her husband’s words. She believes that everything he says must be gospel. If she had more knowledge of being a mother, she would have known that she could challenge his bold words. Although many people are able to see goodness in others no matter how slight it may be, Nora blindly assumes that because she has three small children, Krogstad will not reveal their transaction to Torvald or the authorities. At the beginning of Act II, she says, â€Å"Nothing terrible could happen. It’s impossible. Why, I have three small children† (Ibsen 1527). A more experienced woman would know that nothing, not even something as sweet and innocent as children, can get in the way of a desperate man. From Act II to the end of the play, Nora continually refers to a miracle. It seems that she wished Torvald would take care of the whole situation with Krogstad once he found out about it and love and praise her for her sacrifice. After he outright condemns her, calling her a criminal and a liar, Torvald accuses Nora of wrecking his happiness, tells her she must never see the children, and blames her father’s parenting for the entire situation. When Nora realizes Torvald is not going to suffer for her sake or take on her guilt, something in her snaps. Even after they get Krogstad’s note back and burn it, she knows things cannot remain how they have been in the past. She says, â€Å"I’ve been your doll-wife here, just as at home I was Papa’s doll-child† (Ibsen 1552). By the final scenes of the play, the audience watches as Nora blossoms into a strong, independent woman. She refuses any money that Torvald offers her, and finally challenges some of his words. She tells him that he may have the strength to â€Å"make himself over† if his â€Å"doll gets taken away† (Ibsen 1555). That small exchange proves that she is not merely running from her problems, but she genuinely wants Torvald and herself to have a chance to change. At last she walks out the door but leaves Torvald with the hope that someday they might have a true marriage. She sighs, â€Å"You and I both would have to transform ourselves to the point that†¦ That our living together could be a true marriage† (Ibsen 1556).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Summer Narrative Essay Essay

Narrative Essay It was a hot summer day in the year 2002 when I went camping with my family in Savannah, Georgia. I will never forget this day because it’s the day I learned the lesson that if I don’t obey my parents the consequences will be large. I was only about six years old when we first pulled into the campground. Of course being a young child the first thing I noticed was this extravagant playground out near the road. When me and my sister, Natalie who was around seven at this time, saw it we both looked at each other and knew we were going to go play on that playground. We pulled into our campsite that was located near the very back of the park and our parents started unpacking everything and setting up the motorhome. They were making it obvious they wanted us out of their way. They grabbed our dolls, bikes and chalk out of the car and told us to go play. Natalie and I knew this was the perfect time to go play on the playground that we saw on our way in. It just so happened there was a playground right by our campsite as well. We came up with the perfect plan. We would tell our parents we were going to go play on the playground and trick into them into thinking we meant the one right near our campsite. In reality we planned on going to the big one near the front of the campground and not have to lie in the process. So we grabbed our bikes and asked our parents if we could ride over to the playground and play. They both said yes, so we rode off towards what we thought was the most beautiful playground we’ve ever saw. It was probably about a fifteen minute bike ride for us to get there. We dropped our bikes and ran to the playground and started playing. About a half hour passed when my sister Natalie decided she had to use the restroom. So she went around to the other side of the playground away from the road and decided to go. By this point we noticed there was this blue truck that drove past a few times while we were there. We began to get a little scared and thought maybe we should start going back to the camper. No sooner than we got back on our bikes our mom and dad came driving up with anger in their eyes. Me and Natalie knew we were about to be in some big trouble. Just as my parents got out of the car the man in the blue truck stopped and walked over. He started reprimanding my parents and told them they can’t let their kids run around without any supervision. He also said he was the manager and told my parents Natalie sed the restroom right out in the open. My parents apologized to the man and then made us apologize as well. The manager accepted our apology and told us we weren’t allowed back on that particular playground for the rest of our stay. By this point my our parents were livid and gave me and Natalie a 10 minute lecture about the dangers of them not knowing where we were and not being able to see us. They grabbed us and our bikes and we headed back to the campsite. When we got back they took all our toys and our bikes and we were told we weren’t allowed to join any of the activities the rest of the week. That week my family went swimming, horse back riding and hiking. Natalie and I didn’t get to do any of it and our siblings made sure they told us after every activity how fun it was. It was a time I’ll never forgot. It seems everything seems so much more traumatic when you are young. I learned the lesson that I should obey my parents even if I don’t necessarily want to. I’m not saying there aren’t times I don’t go against their will; but ever since that day I think to myself and analyze if the rule that I am about to break is worth the consequences I’ll have to pay if I get caught.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

House Flys essays

House Flys essays Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzz! There they go buzzing away. Those pest that bother you all day. You know whom Im talking about, thats right flies. They buzz around you going into your ears and nose. Landing on your food and everywhere else. Some flies are favorable to humans, as parasites of bug pests or as scavengers and many others are important as plant pollinators. Flies are also understood to be carriers of diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. In most breeds of flies their body has padded feet that are coated with hairs and the tongue covered with sticky glue. Using a powerful microscope, bits of dust and dirt holding on to the hairs show bacteria that cause a broad variety of diseases. Files get these bacteria from hanging around garbage and sewage. Now, if those yucky flies touch your food later, it my also become contaminated. Flies increase at a very quick rate. In only five months a female fly could produce more than 190 quintillion descendents, if all of her female offspring survived. The only way to keep the flies population down is to prevent the female from breeding. Lengthy exposure to freezing cold weather kills flies. In cold areas very few fertile females hibernating in protected places sustain the winter. Warm weather arises them to seek damp spots such as garbage in which they lay their eggs. The eggs are the size of a tiny grain of wheat, about 1/20 of an inch. The female can lie up to 250 eggs in seven cl usters. In about 24 hours the eggs turn into larva or maggots. They eat and grow for about five days becoming pupae. After another five days out comes a fully developed fly. In two or three days each new female is ready to lay eggs. A flys life cycle is only two weeks long. The physical features of a fly are very interesting. An adult fly is about 0.64 centimeters long and about a half an inch wide (with wing span). A thousand adult flies weigh less than an ounce. Every foot on the flys t ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Social Media Copywriting Guide How to Be a Social Word Ninja

Social Media Copywriting Guide How to Be a Social Word Ninja The social media world is noisy. With more than 30 billion pieces of content shared per month on Facebook  alone, you’ve got a lot of competition for people’s attention. In order to cut through the static, you need to wield your words wisely. That means writing posts that stand out from the clutter and speak directly to what your audience wants. Easier said than done. The key to success starts with sharp writing skills. And by the time you’re done with this post, you’ll be a social media copywriting master. The Best Social Media Copywriting Guide to Be a Social Word NinjaDownload Your Free Social Media Copywriting Resource Bundle Writing from scratch can be tough. Thats why weve bundled together some resources to help spark your creativity. 90 Social Media Post Templates to give you some starting points for crafting your own content. Social Media Campaign Content Template to write and organize an entire campaigns worth of posts. 2017 Social Media Marketing Calendar to plan and schedule all your posts on one spreadsheet. Introducing the Social Message  Optimizer from We recently rolled out a new tool called the Social Message  Optimizer. Similar to our popular Headline Analyzer, it makes it easy to quickly gauge the effectiveness of your social media post (before you hit publish). Enter your copy, click a button, and see your message score. Try it yourself here. Why Is Writing Well Important for Social Media? Posting on social media is easy. It doesn’t take much effort to write up a quick post with a link and call it a day. On the other hand, crafting compelling copy that encourages engagement is tough. It takes skill and thoughtfulness to write strong posts. But when you have to write tons of posts for each network you’re on, sometimes it’s easier to cut corners. Don’t give into that temptation. If social media is important to your business, then invest in the time and resources it takes to do it right. You’ll see a difference in your results. That’s what you’re after, right? If social media is important to your business, then invest in the time and resources it takes to do...Start By Understanding the Mechanics Before we get into actual tips, formulas, and templates, let’s dig into some basic technical considerations for writing posts on different social platforms. Know Your Character Limits Every social network has a character limit. On some networks, this number is much higher than necessary for you to get your point across. On others (namely Twitter), you’re forced to focus on concision. Do you know the character limits for each social network?To Hashtag, or Not to Hashtag †¦ Hashtags are somewhat misunderstood. Each network has different best practices for their use. Know what they are. Recommended Reading: How to Use Hashtags Effectively Without Being Annoying Understand the Purpose of Each Social Network Before you start writing copy for each social network, you need to know why people use those networks in the first place. This should guide how you approach crafting posts and choosing which content to share on any given platform. Recommended Reading: How to Develop a Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) Define Your Voice + Tone It’s important to understand voice and tone for creating a consistent experience for your audience on social media. Give it Some Feeling With Emotional Language Emotion drives engagement. So, infuse more emotional language into your social media posts. Start with this useful cheat sheet of emotional power words compiled from copywriter Karl Stapp: Recommended Reading: How to Write Emotional Headlines That Get More Shares 6 Basic Copywriting Formulas That Work Well on Social Media Many copywriting fundamentals still apply on social media. That includes common time-tested formulas (which most seasoned marketers should be familiar with). There are a lot more copywriting formulas out there. A simple Google search will help you find tons more quickly. However, not all of them are easily applied to social media, specifically. So, we’ve pulled together a small selection here to help you tweet, post, and share with flair. PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve) This old warhorse has been a copywriting staple for decades. There’s a good reason for that, too. Here's how it works: State a problem. Your audience probably has no shortage of them. Agitate that problem. Rub salt in the wound. Roll out the solution. This is where you ride in with the solution, and the crowd goes (metaphorically, at least) wild. Example: Your car won’t start. You’ve got an appointment in 15 minutes. Call Cool Cabs. Bridge After Bridge Wouldn’t life be better if everyone used your product? This formula is all about stating that case to your audience. Show your audience what life is like right now. Make sure it’s not too impressive (yet). Then, explain how that world could be made better. The secret? It involves your product. Next, show them how your product or service can make that world a reality. Example: Stuck scheduling social media manually? There has to be a better way. Enter . AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Here’s another classic. It’s similar to the first two we’ve looked at, but provides a clear path from getting someone’s interest and directing them toward a specific action. Get your audience’s attention. This could be with your post copy or headline. Stoke their interest. Provide some details to get them interested in learning more. Generate desire. Show your reader how much life could be better if they just †¦ †¦ take action. Give them a clear call-to-action to learn more. Example: 10,000% growth? It’s possible. And it can be yours. See how. 4 C’s (Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible) We like this formula for its simplicity. It also describes what most every social media post should be, ideally. Clear. Avoid using overly complex language or sentence structures. Concise. Keep it brief. This is good advice for writing on social media, in general. Compelling. Be interesting and relevant to your audience. Credible. Make sure you can back up your claims. Also, create posts around topics that you’re truly an authority on. Example:Every project. One tool. See what makes the industry’s best-selling calendar. 4 P’s (Picture, Promise, Prove, Push) Here’s another four-letter formula, this time with P’s instead of C’s. Picture. Set the scene. On social media, you can do this literally with your post image. Promise. Commit to giving your readers something they’re interested in. Prove. Then, prove you can deliver on that promise. Push. Next, give them a subtle shove to click and take the next step. Example: Your marketing. Less hassle. How? Try free for 14 days. The â€Å"Open Loops† Technique Don’t tell all of the story in one post. Instead, create a gap that builds suspense using â€Å"open loops.† This entails giving people a hint about the beginning and the end, while leaving readers curious about how you got from point A to point B. According to Buffer’s Kevan Lee, â€Å"Open loops are rooted in psychology. We need closure in our lives, and when we don’t get this closure, we feel anxiety, which spurs us to get closure, to find out more, to keep reading.† Example: This dog is stuck on the roof. How he got there is the real story. Need inspiration for your #social #media copy? Start with these #copywriting formulas:55  Fill-in-the-Blank Social Media Writing Templates We’ve covered the technical considerations for each network, and provided some simple formulas you can follow. Next, let’s move onto to some easy-to-use templates you can use to write actual social media posts. Given that these are templates, they’re not wildly creative, and may require some tweaking to fit your messaging. However, they should give you a decent starting point for crafting your own copy. They might even help get your own creative gears turning, too. 10 Facebook Post Templates With organic reach declining, strong writing skills are more important than ever on Facebook. Your posts need to inspire action and motivate audiences to click, comment, and share, but without sounding overly promotional (more on that last point in our next section). How can [YOUR AUDIENCE] do [ACTION] better with [YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE]? [INSERT PROBLEM]? We’ve got your solution. Do [INSERT TASK] better. [INSERT PROBLEM] sucks. [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE ] doesn’t. What’s your favorite [INSERT PRODUCT] feature? How can [INSERT PRODUCT] make [INSERT TASK] easier? What’s your top [INSERT TASK] tip? [INSERT ACHIEVEMENT] in just [INSERT LENGTH OF TIME]? The best [INSERT TECHNIQUE] for [INSERT TASK] isn’t what you think. Your [INSERT TASK] could be this easy, too. [INCLUDE PHOTO OF COMPLETED TASK]. Write better #Facebook posts with these social media templates:10 Twitter Tweet Templates (Say That Ten Times Fast) When you only have 140 characters to work with, then every word counts. Keep your Twitter copy brief, punchy, and entertaining. That feeling when [INSERT ACTION]. #[INSERT HASHTAG] How we increased our [INSERT METRIC] by [INSERT PERCENTAGE] with [INSERT SOMETHING UNEXPECTED]. Time’s running out! Sign up for [INSERT EVENT] by [INSERT DATE]. #[INSERT HASHTAG] Here’s how we [INSERT ACHIEVEMENT] (and you can too). #[INSERT HASHTAG] Here’s what [INSERT CREDIBLE SOURCE] uses to [INSERT TASK] by [INSERT PERCENTAGE]. Great news! You can now [INSERT ACTION] with [INSERT PRODUCT]. Could using [INSERT PRODUCT] to #[INSERT TASK] improve [INSERT METRIC]? [INSERT PERCENTAGE] of [INSERT AUDIENCE] use [INSERT PRODUCT] to [INSERT TASK] more [INSERT BENEFIT]. Be one of them. Still doing [INSERT TASK] the old way? No more [INSERT PROBLEM]. Say hello to [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE/FEATURE]. Write better tweets posts with these social media templates:10 LinkedIn Post Templates LinkedIn is a professional network. So, make sure your posts reflect this. Keep your content free from fluff and stay focused on appealing to professionals in your industry. What makes [INSERT YOUR COMPANY] the best [INSERT COMPANY TYPE] in the [INSERT INDUSTRY]? How did [INSERT YOUR COMPANY] achieve [INSERT ACHIEVEMENT] with [INSERT SOMETHING UNEXPECTED]? Be the best at [INSERT TASK] with this [INSERT CONTENT TYPE] from [INSERT SOURCE]. The best [INSERT AUDIENCE] need the best [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]. We had a problem with [INSERT PROBLEM]. So, we solved it with [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]. Could this work for you, too? [INSERT AUDIENCE] often struggle with [INSERT TASK]. Here’s how [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] turns [INSERT TASK] from failure to success. The old way: doing [INSERT TASK] by [INSERT ACTION]. The new way? [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]. Stop struggling. Start succeeding. This post will show you how. [INSERT LINK] [INSERT TASK] + [YOUR PRODUCT] = results. What makes [YOUR COMPANY] the best place to work? Ask [INSERT EMPLOYEE]: [INSERT TESTIMONIAL] Write better #LinkedIn posts with these social media templates:10 Instagram Caption Templates Instagram is a highly visual platform. However, captions present an opportunity to give context for your images. You’ll need to use your own best judgment to match these up with relevant images (and if you need image stock to work with, we’ve got 80+ for you in this post). That Friday feeling. [INSERT PHOTO] [INSERT HASHTAGS] Shout out to [INSERT FOLLOWER’S HANDLE] for this awesome pic! [INSERT PHOTO] Love [INSERT PRODUCT/HOBBY/TREND/ETC]? Then you’ll love this. [INSERT PHOTO] [INSERT CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL] [INSERT CUSTOMER PHOTO] Later, [INSERT PROBLEM]. [INSERT PHOTO] Wish you were here? [INSERT PHOTO OF LOCATION] Here’s one way to get the job done. [INSERT PHOTO] We spotted [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT] in the wild! [INSERT PHOTO] If you worked here, this could be you [INSERT OFFICE PHOTO] What’s going on at [INSERT YOUR COMPANY] today? Write better #Instagram posts with these social media templates:15 General Social Media Post Templates Here are some bonus templates we’ve pulled together without any specific network in mind. Try using them as a base for your posts with our Social Message Optimizer and see how you do. How you’ll feel when you [do something]. Are you [doing something] like you should be? Here’s why you don’t need a [commonly held belief]. Want to [get something desirable]? {#} reasons your [something a majority of your audience typically has] sucks (and how to make it the best) Nothing is [commonly held belief]. The secret to [someone desirable] lies in [unexpected advice]. [Influencer] said, [quote]. Here’s how to do it. What if you could [get something desirable] while [getting something desirable]? [Do something] to [get something desirable]. Let’s be honest: No one has enough time to [do something]. Smart {audience} do this. Want to [experience something desirable]? Here is the [way to get it]. Turns out [something desirable] is actually [something humorous]. There’s bound to be a [something desirable] for you. Have you noticed anything different about [something audience commonly does]? Write better social media posts with these fill-in-the-blank templates:5 Brands Writing Well on Social Media BMW Did you know BMW has more Facebook fans than any other brand? Strong writing plays a part in that. Check out this post for an example: A natural beauty. The new BMW 4 Series Coupà ©. Posted by BMW on  Monday, April 10, 2017 It’s punchy, clever, and promotes their 4 Series Coupe without being pushy. In other words, it’s a perfect Facebook post for a retail or automotive brand. Microsoft Microsoft has undergone a remarkable branding transformation over the past several years. More than just the company that makes your office software, they’re now showing they want to be exciting and forward-thinking. Let’s take a look at this tweet for an example: Turn up your creativity with these partner updates for your #SurfaceDial. Learn more: https://t.co/6duytnWpXZ pic.twitter.com/1Di80qFP24 - Surface (@surface) April 10, 2017 It’s clear, concise, and includes an appropriate call-to-action. The image and link headline also help provide additional context to compel users to click. Gary Vaynerchuk You don’t have to be a marketer to know and respect Gary Vaynerchuk. He does an incredible job at creating inspirational content that, well, is actually inspirational (here’s a writing tip: stop slapping quotes from famous people on irrelevant nature photos). Instead, do what Vaynerchuk does and write your own motivational messaging. This example is great because it’s fill-in-the-blank format naturally encourages engagement: Fill in the blank A post shared by Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) on Apr 10, 2017 at 1:01pm PDT Arby’s Few brands are on Arby’s level. The company digs deep to create creative posts narrowly targeted at specific interests (in this case, weightlifting): Is it really that hard to re-rack? pic.twitter.com/80vY64BTLZ - Arby's (@Arbys) March 18, 2017 The post is short, clever, and entertaining. It feels like something people would naturally want to like, share, and comment on. There’s no hard sell pushing people to go to Arby’s, either, and it works 1,000%* (*not a real statistic) better because of it. Their marketing research page for franchisees  also includes some background information on how infusing humor into their social media presence has accelerated their results. SB Nation What if you’re a publisher or media company, rather than a brand or service company? SB Nation, Vox Media’s popular sports vertical, shows how to weave strong storytelling skills into less than 140 characters. Here’s an example that creates intrigue by using an unusual fact to generate interest: The first NFL Draft pick never signed a contract or played a single down. pic.twitter.com/YbMkpp8dje - SB Nation (@SBNation) April 11, 2017 3 Social Media Writing Traps to Avoid Marketers often get stuck in some common writing pitfalls on social media. Follow these tips to make sure you avoid undermining all your hard work. Ditch Promotional Posts on Facebook In late 2014, Facebook cracked down on promotional posts. This means organic posts that sound too much like ads (or worse, outright SPAM) will be demoted in the newsfeed. Break this rule, and you can expect your organic reach to drop precipitously. Here’s an example of a promotional post from Facebook: Everything about this example feels like an ad, and not the sort of content people want organically in their newsfeeds. Notice this post directly pushes users toward a link to buy a product, too. Here’s another example: This example is similar, pushing users to download an app. As an advertisement, there’s nothing interesting or engaging about it. Don’t Cross-Post Under some circumstances, you might be able to reuse post copy from one network, on another. In general, though, we’d advise against this. That’s because best practices and audience expectations differ on each network. Your short and punchy Facebook post might not do as well on LinkedIn, for example, and your hashtag-loaded tweet certainly won’t play well on Facebook.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Country Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Country Report - Research Paper Example India’s agricultural industry makes up 18% of the country’s GDP and around 66% of the national population relies on this industry for a source of living (Hanko Hackberry Group n.d.). An excellent information technology industry leads the services sector in India. India’s trade shortfall reached $16.86 billion in November 2014, which is the highest since early 2013 (Sedghi 2013). This shortfall is below November 2013’s record of $10.6 billion, as well as the market’s projected deficit of $15.6 billion. Imports increased 26.79% annually and exports rose 7.27% (Pawar and Veer 57). This made India’s balance of trade average at $1.932 billion in 2014 from 1957 with record tops and lows in 1977 and 2012 of $258.9 million and $-20.211 billion respectively (Hanko Hackberry Group n.d.). This trade shortfall reached a seven-month maximum of $131.5 billion in September 2014. An outstanding decline in exports drove the rise in India’s trade shortfall. Foreign sales tapered by 5% yearly in October 2014, which compared to the 2.7% growth of September. At the same time, imports slowed down significantly from a 26% increase in September to a poor 3.6% growth in October 2014 (Sedghi 2013). This notable decline in imports ec hoed a restraint in gold demand and a decline in oil imports. India’s Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act has been regulating imports and exports since 1992. This act gave the government vast regulation powers over the country’s trade operations. The country’s overall commodity trade rose more than three times from 2006’s $252 billion to 2012’s $794 billion (Hanko Hackberry Group n.d.). A majority of India’s exports have been moving to Asia and Africa with Asia’s share growing to 51.6% between 2011 and 2012 from 2001 and 2002’s 40.2% (Sedghi 2013). Europe, as a destination of India’s exports, saw a deceleration from 24.7% in 2001 and 2002 to 19% in 2011 and 2012. India’s main export commodities were