Thursday, October 31, 2019

Global Sourcing - Defining Global Capital Market Opportunities close Essay

Global Sourcing - Defining Global Capital Market Opportunities close - Essay Example p.). As such, global sourcing of capital could be described as a practice of sourcing funds from the global market/fund through the use of financial instruments such as stocks, mutual funds and engaging services of intermediaries. All investments have risks, and these are described as the systematic risk and unsystematic risks. Systematic risks are those risks that could not be diversified or eliminated, usually a big event that will set off a loss of economic value or confidence in the financial system. Examples are war, inflation, fluctuations of interest that affect the entire economy. Unsystematic risks are those belonging to the company alone. Examples are fires, natural disasters, or falling of sales. Risks in investments could not be eliminated, however, systematic risks could be measured and expected market returns are calculated through statistical method of regression analysis. Regression analysis makes use of Beta coefficient. A Beta coefficient is a measure of volatility that says, â€Å"a beta of 1 means that the security’s price will move with the market; less than 1 means that the security price will be less volatile in the market, and a beta of more than 1 indicates that the security’s price will be more volatile in the market† (Investopedia, n. p.). A beta >1 scheme offers greater returns but at the same time presents more risks. Example: high-tech stocks have a beta >l, while utilities have

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Coexisting Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coexisting Disorders - Essay Example According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, methamphetamine is classified as a Schedule II drug, which implies that the drug can be obtained only through a medical prescription and has high probability of abuse and addiction. It is chemically similar to its parent compound, amphetamine, but its effects are more conspicuous. It is prescribed medically under the name of Desoxyn for the treatment of severe Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Narcolepsy and extreme cases of obesity. Methamphetamine, primarily affects the brain, stimulating an increase in the secretion of the neurotransmitter, dopamine. This neurotransmitter acts as a chemical messenger and is responsible for the experience of pleasure and stimulation of motor activities. It also alters the level of serotonin, another neurotransmitter. Both these properties make this drug potentially dangerous. It can alter moods, cause depression, lead to violent tendencies and suicidal thoughts. It is also the root cause of other psychotic ailments like hallucinations, paranoia and delusional behavior. Medical studies have also shown that chronic use of methamphetamine can lead to damaging changes in the structure of the brain, mostly affecting the areas responsible for emotion and memory (Thompson et al). Besides the nervous system, the drug can also have detrimental implications on the basic metabolisms of the body. It increases the heart rate, elevates blood pressure, increases the rate of respiration and a lso causes hyperthermia. Long term can use can cause extreme weight loss, insomnia and severe dental problems. The drug is also known to possess aphrodisiac qualities, and thus, it leads to impulsive sexual behavior. The hazardous drug can be snorted, swallowed, inhaled, dissolved in water, injected, but the most common method of administration is oral intake. Fatal diseases like Hepatitis B and C, and HIV/AIDS can also be transmitted through the use of infected needles and syringes, commonly used to inject the drug. Similar to many other abused drugs, methamphetamine users get an adrenaline rush coupled with an extreme sense of pleasure. It stimulates the senses, increases concentration and also leads to sexually charged behavior. According to the National Institute On Drug Abuse, methamphetamine abuse continues to be a massive problem in the United States of America, and is reportedly spreading to Mexico and also to the Midwest. According to a survey conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 10.4 million people over the age of 12 have tried methamphetamine at least once. Use of methamphetamine in abusive quantities is known to cause depression and mental anxiety. A recent study conducted by The Methamphetamine Treatment Project evaluated the psychological condition within a group of 1016 people, all methamphetamine users. A staggering 60% of the women and 50% of the men exhibited strong symptoms of depression. Close to 28% women and 13% men attempted or persistently thought about suicide. Their mental conditions had deteriorated to such extremes that 26& had to be admitted in the psychiatry wing while 32% were administered medications. (Zweben et al.) Biologically, depression is defined as a psychological disorder, which is characterized by persistent sadness, withdrawal from daily and social activities, and inability to feel pleased and happy. It is normal for every

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A micro assembler for a processor

A micro assembler for a processor INTRODUCTION A micro assembler (sometimes called a meta-assembler) is acomputer programthat helps prepare amicroprogramto control the low level operation of a computer in much the same way anassemblerhelps prepare higher level code for aprocessor. The difference is that the microprogram is usually only developed by the processor manufacturer and works intimately with the hardware. The microprogram defines theinstruction setany normal program (including bothapplication programsandoperating systems) is written in. The use of a microprogram allows the manufacturer to fix certain mistakes, including working aroundhardwaredesign errors, without modifying the hardware. Another means of employing micro assembler-generated micro programs is in allowing the same hardware to run differentinstruction sets. After it is assembled, the microprogram is then loaded to astore to become part of the logic of aCPUscontrol unit. Some micro assemblers are more generalized and are not targeted at single computer architecture. For example, through the use of macro-assembler-like capabilities,Digital Equipment Corporationused theirMICRO2micro assembler for a very wide range of computer architectures and implementations. If a given computer implementation supports awriteable control store, the micro assembler is usually provided to customers as a means of writing customized microcode. Ã ¨ Computer programs(softwareprograms) areinstructionsfor acomputer.A computer requires programs to function, typicallyexecutingthe programs instructions in acentral processor.The program has anexecutableform that the computer can use directly to execute the instructions. The same program in its human-readable sourceform, from whichexecutableprograms are derived (e.g.,compiled), enables aprogrammerto study and develop itsalgorithms. Computer source code is often written by professionalcomputer programmers. Source code is written in aprogramming languagethat usually follows one of two mainparadigms:imperativeordeclarativeprogramming. Source code may be converted into anexecutable file(sometimes called an executable program or a binary) by acompiler. Alternatively, computer programs may be executed by acentral processing unitwith the aid of aninterpreter, or may beembeddeddirectly intohardware. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: A program written in assembly language it basically contain of a series ofinstructions- mnemonics that correspond to a stream of executable instructions, when translated by anassembler that can be loaded into memory and executed. For example, anx86/IA-32processor execute the below instruction as given inmachine language. Binary: 10110000 01100001 (Hexadecimal: B0 61) The mnemonic move it tells the opcode1011tomovesthe value in the 2nd operand into the register. Transforming the assembly language into the machine code is done by anassembler, and the vice versa by this assembler. In High-level language, there is usually aone to one relationbetween simple assembly logics and machine language instructions. But, in few cases, an assembler provides instructionswhich will expand into several machine code instructions to provide its functionality. Eachcomputer structureandprocessor designhas its own machine understanding language. Each instruction is simple enough to be executed using a relatively small number of electronic circuits. System may differ by the type of operations they support. For example, a new 64-bit (AMD processor) machine will have different structure from a 32-bit (Intel processor) machine. They also have different size structure and the different storage structure. Multiple collection ofmnemonics codesor assembly-language code may exist for a single instruction set, typically instantiated in different assembler programs. In thes e cases, the most popular one is usually that supplied by the manufacturer and used in its documentation. ASSEMBLER The advancedassemblercreatesobject codeby translating assembly instruction mnemonics intoop codes, and by resolvingsymbolic namesfor memory locations and other entities.The use of symbolic references is only the key feature of assemblers, saving tuff calculations and manual address. Most assemblers also includemacrofacilities for performing textual substitution. E.g.: To generate common short sequences of instructions to runinline, instead of in asubroutine. Assemblers are easier to write thancompilersforHLL. Advanced assemblers, like RISCbased architectures, such asMIPS, SunSPARC, and HPPA-RISC, it optimizeinstruction schedulingto exploit theCPU pipelineefficiently. There are two types of assemblers, based upon how many passes through the source are needed to produce the executable program. One-pass assemblers go through the source code once at a time and assume that all symbols will be defined before any instruction that references them. Two-pass assemblers create a table with all unresolved symbols in the first pass, and then use the 2nd pass to resolve these addresses. The advantage in the one-pass assemblers is about its speed, which is not as important as it once was with advances in computer speed and capabilities. The advantage of the two-pass assembler is that symbols can be defined anywhere in the program source so its an easier way to understand the user. Its results to the program can be defined in a more logical and meaningful way. It will make two-pass assembler programs easier to read and maintain. More sophisticatedhigh-level assemblersprovide language abstractions such as: Advanced control structures. High-level procedure declarations and invocations. High-level abstract data types, including structures, unions, classes, and sets. Sophisticated macro processing. Object-Orientedfeatures such asencapsulation,polymorphism,inheritance,interfaces. Heres how it works: Most computers come with a specified set of very basic instructions that correspond to the basic machine operations that the computer can perform. For example, a Load instruction causes the processor to move a string of bits from a location in the processorsmemoryto a special holding place called aregister. The programmer can write a program using a sequence of these assembler instructions. This sequence of assembler instructions, known as thesource codeor source program, is then specified to the assembler program when that program is started. The assembler program takes each program statement in the source program and generates a corresponding bit stream or pattern. The output of the assembler program is called theobject codeor object program relative to the input source program. The object program can then be run whenever desired. Earlier programmers actually wrote programs in machine code, but assembler languages or instruction sets were soon developed to speed up programming field. Today, assembler programming is used only where very efficient control over processor operations is needed. It requires knowledge of a particular computers instruction set. Historically, most programs have been written in higher-level languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, and C. These languages are easier to learn and faster to write programs with than assembler language. MICROASSEMBLER A micro assembler also called as meta-assembler. It is a kind of program which helps prepare a micro program to control the low level operation of a computer in much the same way an assembler helps prepare higher level code for a processor. The use of a micro program allows the manufacturer to fix certain mistakes, in hardware design also. Another means of employing micro assembler-generated micro programs is in allowing the same hardware to run different instruction sets. When it is assembled, the micro program is then loaded to a control store to become part of the logic of a CPUs control unit. Some micro assemblers are more generalized and are not targeted at single computer architecture. For example, the use of macro-assembler likes capabilities, Digital Equipment Corporation used their MICRO2 micro assembler for a very wide range of computer architectures. THE ASSEMBLER USED BY THE MICROSOFT (MASM) MASM is a Microsofts assembler and abbreviation used for it is Macro Assembler. MASM is a very powerful macro feature, and is capable of writing very low-level syntax, and pseudo-high-level code with its macro feature. MASM 6.15 is currently available as a free-download from Microsoft site. MASM is a one of the Microsoft development tools that are targeted 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Versions 6.1 and 6.11 included Phar Laps TNT DOS extender so that MASM could run in MS-DOS. MASM will write in Intel Syntax. MASM is used by Microsoft to implement some low-level portions of its Windows Operating systems. MASM, contrary to popular belief, has been in constant development since 1980, and is upgraded on a needs-basis. MASM has always been made compatible by Microsoft to the current platform, and executable file types. MASM currently supports all Intel instruction sets, including SSE2. MAL (MICRO ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE): It describes about the lexical, syntactic, and semantic elements of the language, and gives a focus on microprogramming with the mic1 micro-assembler. Lexical: Most assembly language such as Micro-Assembly Language is a line-oriented language. Each micro-instruction is generally defined on a single line of the program file. The end-of-line is generally significant. It is a case-sensitive. For example, AND is a reserved word Corresponding to a bitwise operation of the mic1 ALU, while and is not reserved and may be used as a label Comments The comments will begin with two slash characters (//) and continue to the end of the line. Blank lines and lines consisting only of white space and comments are ignored by the micro-assembler. Directive Directives for the micro-assembler begin with a period character (.) and may contain alphabetic characters. There are two micro-assembler directives: .default and .label. Directives are used to provide guide the behavior of the micro-assembler, and do not correspond with words in the control store. Reserved Words The names of registers and control lines are reserved, as are the words if, else, goto, nop, AND, OR, and NOT. For the mic1 architecture, the following words are reserved and may not be used as statement labels: MAR MDR PC Fetch If Else goto nop AND OR NOT MORE ABOUT THE MICRO ASSEMBLER: Micro Assembler is Integrated Development Environment for assembly programming. Micro Assembler has a much easier syntax than any of the major assemblers, a great combination for beginners. Micro Assembler is a Windows based application so you can enjoy user-friendly Windows environment. APPLICATIONS Hard-coded assembly language is typically used in a systemsboot ROM(BIOSon IBM-compatiblePCsystems). This low-level code is used, among other things, to initialize and test the system hardware prior to booting the OS, and is stored inROM. Once a certain level of hardware initialization has taken place, execution transfers to other code, typically written in higher level languages; but the code running immediately after power is applied is usually written in assembly language. The same is true of mostboot loaders. Many compilers render high-level languages into assembly first before fully compiling, allowing the assembly code to be viewed fordebuggingand optimization purposes. Relatively low-level languages, such asC, often provide specialsyntaxto embed assembly language directly in the source code. Programs using such facilities, such as theLinux kernel, can then construct abstractions utilizing different assembly language on each hardware platform. The systemsportablecode can then utilize these processor-specific components through a uniform interface. Assembly language is also valuable inreverse engineering, since many programs are distributed only in machine code form, and machine code is usually easy to translate into assembly language and carefully examine in this form, but very difficult to translate into a higher-level language. Tools such as theInteractive Disassemblermake extensive use of disassembly for such a purpose. A particular niche that makes use of assembly language is thedemo scene. Certain competitions require the contestants to restrict their creations to a very small size (e.g. 256B, 1KB, 4KB or 64 KB), and assembly language is the language of choice to achieve this goal.When resources, particularly CPU-processing constrained systems, like the earlierAmiga models, and theCommodore 64, are a concern, assembler coding is a must: optimized assembler code is written by hand and instructions are sequenced manually by thecodersin an attempt to minimize the number of CPU cycles used; the CPU constraints are so great that every CPU cycle counts. However, using such techniques has enabled systems like the Commodore 64 to produce real-time3D graphicswith advanced effects, a feat which might be considered unlikely or even impossible for a system with a 0.99MHzprocessor BENEFITS OF IT: The micro programmed Data General Eclipse S/200 computer is available with a writable control store. The WCS feature of the Eclipse is having extension of the micro programmed control logic of the computers central processing unit. It allows a user to implement specialized instructions at a very low level. Its use is however, discouraged since Data General does not provide software support for the WCS feature. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Microprogramming with the Eclipse Computer WCS feature Corporation, 1974. assembly language: Definition and Much More from Retrieved 2008-06-19. NESHLA: The High Level, Open Source, 6502 Assembler for the Nintendo Entertainment System Eidolons Inn : SegaBase Saturn

Friday, October 25, 2019

Suffering and Injustice in the Opening Chapters of Charlotte Brontë’s J

Suffering and Injustice in the Opening Chapters of Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre At the time the novel Jane Eyre was written, it was very difficult for women writers to have their books published. Charlotte Brontà « was very aware of the problem, and cleverly changed her name to Currer Bell so the book would be accepted. Luckily for Charlotte, her novel Jane Eyre was published in October 1847, and since writing this novel, Charlotte Brontà « has become very popular, and a classic author. The Victorian era was a time of great social division between the rich and the poor, and this is shown in the novel by the description of certain characters for example Bessie – the poorer class, and Mrs. Reed – the richer class. The poorer classes and working classes were made to work in very dangerous conditions and were paid very little. In contrast, many of the upper classes did not have to work, and some of them employed the poor to work for them. Many of the poorer families lived cramped together in very small houses, where as the rich lived in huge, very comfortable homes. This background of injustice is made clear in the book, as Charlotte Brontà « wanted to highlight what life was like for Jane Eyre, the Reed family and servants like her character Bessie who worked in the wealthy house in Victorian times. Charlotte Brontà «n seems as though she feels quite strongly about these issues - both of Charlotte’s elder sisters died in 1825 in circumstances that have great importance for the story Jane Eyre - and is trying to convey to the readers of her book the many injustices and extremes in Victorian society. Charlotte Brontà « wrote the book Jane Eyre in first person narrative so we can feel Jane’s outmost thoughts, opinion... ...e character of Jane Eyre, and if she had been the slightest bit different I would not have this opinion of her. At parts she has made me laugh, and other parts brought a tear to my eye. I feel for her, as she does not have any family, and because of this has suffered greatly. From the way Charlotte has evoked Jane’s feelings, the reader is able to understand what it is like, and the emotions you feel. Jane Eyre is a very determined ten-year-old girl with a great personality, and Charlotte Brontà « could not have used a better character on which to base the novel. She is definitely my favourite character in the book, mainly because of her determination and pride. The book of Jane Eyre has many life changing decisions, and I have sometimes wondered if it was me that had to make those choices, whether they would have been as successful as they were for Jane.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Hospitality & Tourism Essay

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has progressively become known as a germane issue in the corporate world for the past decade. Making the world a better place, socially and environmentally, is a global accepted phenomenon. According to Porter & Kramer, 2006, â€Å"corporate social responsibility has emerged as an inescapable priority for business leaders in every country.† The objective of this review is to discuss benefits of CSR on the hotel industry. What is CSR? Corporate social responsibility involves the ethical and non-commercial responsibilities of businesses as they relate to society in general. It is based, on a triple bottom-line approach for companies — people (society), planet (environment) and economic (profit) (Gard McGehee, Wattanakamolchai, Perdue, Onat Calvert, 2009; Kuriakose, 2007; Clark, 2006). Smith posited that CSR implies the need for businesses to contribute to the communities and markets that have made them successful (cited in Gard McGehee et al, 2009, p.417); consequently, companies must consider the wellbeing of society in addition to their concerns for owners, investors and any shareholders. According to Holcomb, Upchurch and Okumus (2007), the value of CSR is in achieving corporate sustainability in order to create long-term shareholder value. This involves exploiting the market’s potential for sustainable product and services, while successfully reducing and avoiding associated cost and risk. The Gap – The Negative Impact of Not Engaging in CSR Porter & Kramer (2006) posit that, â€Å"Frequently, though, CSR efforts are counterproductive, for two reasons. First, they pit business against society, when in reality the two are interdependent. Second, they pressure companies to think of corporate social responsibility in generic ways instead of in the way most appropriate to their individual strategies.† This leads to a three-fold impact on companies not engaging in CSR– bad reputation, lower profits and customer cynicism. Examples of CSR in Hotels The idea of CSR has gained traction within the hospitality industry. Consequently, many hospitality businesses, including Sandals and Starwood Hotels, are developing CSR programs and strategies in an attempt to boost customer loyalty, conserve environments, reduce social problems and contribute to the development of communities. Several initiatives include the adoption of linen exchange programs, the use of environmentally friendly cleaning agents and energy conservation through the installation of energy saving devices (White, 2006). An example is the new eco-friendly Element Starwood Hotels and Resorts that contributes to sustainability through the implementation of the 3Rs practice of reduce, reuse and recycle. The Benefits of CSR to Hotels Companies that practice CSR achieve better reputation, improved brand image, increases in sales, more visible to investors, and increases in customer loyalty. It can also lead to enhanced public relations and benefits. For example, due to LaRosa’s Pizzeria’s contribution to community growth and development, two hundred volunteers, who had benefited from LaRosa’s generosity over the years, came to the aid of LaRosa’s Pizzeria after a fire. The volunteers made up for the short fall that resulted from inadequate insurance, with work and loans and saved the pizzeria from bankruptcy (Detwiler cited in Lynn, 2009 p. 2). Thus, companies deemed good corporate citizen are attractive to new customers and workers, and assist in raising staff morale, and have lower operating expenses. A recent study by a University of Chicago professor published in Management Accounting revealed that companies that are perceived by the public to demonstrate more socially responsible business practices and ethics are likely to perform financially better than those who do not. In 1995, a study conducted by Vanderbilt University found that eight of ten cases of low-polluting companies financially outperformed their dirtier competitors (Brands that do good, 2003; Act responsibly, 2004; Clark, 2006). As such, consumers prefer to do business with companies that have good CSR reputations Recommendation for CSR in Hotels In making decisions, management, should consider environmental outcomes, which limit and/or reduce the impact of operations on the natural environment. Hotel’s management need to implement responsible measures because of high cost associated with electricity consumption for heating/cooling, lighting, cooking, etc., which levies pressure on local resource and increase costs. Thus, the impact on the total cost consumption of a hotel from energy conservation measures is strong and more direct (Kasim, 2006). Consumers are progressively more concerned with how companies make their money and are expecting businesses to engage in responsible activities that will limit, as well as lessen their social, ethical, and environmental impacts on society and the community. White, (2006) cautions that, â€Å"that travel-savvy consumers are more environmentally aware and that having environmental and social programmes in place are a consideration in selecting accommodation.† Furthermore, any CSR program must involve the employees in order to achieve success. White (2006) also points out that, â€Å"It’s not enough for senior management to devise new ways to engage customers, to make these programs work; they must involve employees at all levels. This means ensuring that everyone in the company is informed about CSR policies and practices and are involved in implementing them.† Conclusion Corporate social responsibility means different things to different people. The underlying themes regarding CRS are that it is good and necessary, activities within which businesses participate should not be viewed or undertaken lightly, but rather, serious consideration must be given to how best CSR should be implemented. To be effective and deemed as true corporate citizens, businesses should not only demonstrate CSR during times of economic well being and its practices, during such periods as the current recession, based on measures of adherence. According to Porter & Kramer (2006), if corporations were to analyze their opportunities for social responsibility using the same frameworks that guide their core business choices, they would discover that CSR can be much more than a cost, a constraint, or a charitable deed–it can be a potent source of innovation and competitive advantage.† If hospitality organizations adopt and integrate CSR into their organizational strateg ies, they can facilitate innovativeness, increase and/or improve their organizational competitiveness, while at the same time contributing to solving problems in society that may arise. References Allen, Robin Lee. â€Å"Act responsibly: corporate good deeds help communities and build long-term business. (NRN Editorial).† Nation’s Restaurant News. 2004. Retrieved September 22, 2009 from accessmy library: 13321917_ITM Clark, S. (2006). Corporate social responsibility: A marketing tool for major hotel brands. HSMAI Marketing Review, 23(1), 42-45. Gard McGehee, N., Wattanakamolchai, S., Perdue, R. R., & Onat Calvert, E. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility Within the U.S. Lodging Industry: an Exploratory Study. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(3), 417-437. Hartman, L. P., Rubin, R. S., & Dhanda, K. K. (2007). The communication of corporate social responsibility: United States and European Union multinational corporations. Journal of Business Ethics, 74, 373-389. Holcomb, J. L., Upchurch, R. S., & Okumus, F. (2007). Corporate social responsibility: What are top hotel companies reporting? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9(6), 461-475. Kasim, A. (2006). The Need for Business Environmental and Social Responsibility in the Tourism Industry. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 7(1), 1 – 22. Lynn, Christine (2009) Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hospitality Industry. School of Hotel and Restaurant Management Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ Nicolau, J. L. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility: Worth-Creating activities. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(4), 990-1006. Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006). Strategy and society: the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 84(12), 78-92, 163. White, Michelle.†Make sure that you deliver on green promises.† Caterer & Hotelkeeper. 2006. Retrieved September 26, 2009 from accessmylibrary:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Quiz 8

Cognitive dissonance theory is most helpful for understanding the impact of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. frustration on aggression. b. groupthink on social conflict. c. deindividuation on the bystander effect. d. team membership on social loafing. e. role-playing on attitude change. | 2. Bonnie pedals an exercise bike at her health club much faster when other patrons happen to be working out on nearby equipment. This best illustrates: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the bystander effect. b. the mere exposure effect. c. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. d. social facilitation. e. group polarization. 3. Although Natalie receives somewhat greater rewards from her marriage than does her husband, both are satisfied with the relationship because they each benefit in proportion to what they put into it. This best illustrates the significance of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. equity. b. deindividuation. c. the bystander effect. d. social facilitation. e. the mere exposure effect. | 4. The hostilities between two racial subgroups of a riverfront community were dramatically reduced when the threat of their river flooding its banks required that they work together to save their town.This best illustrates the impact of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the mere exposure effect. b. groupthink. c. superordinate goals. d. deindividuation. e. the bystander effect. | 5. Research participants who worked alongside someone who rubbed his or her face or shook his or her foot were observed to do the same thing themselves. This best illustrated: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the mere exposure effect. b. the chameleon effect. c. social loafing. d. deindividuation. e. the bystander effect. | 6. When buying groceries, many shoppers prefer certain products simply because they have a familiar brand name.This preference best illustrates the importance of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. social traps. b. the mere exposure effect. c. mirr or-image perceptions. d. the reciprocity norm. e. deindividuation. | 7. Following Germany's defeat in World War I and the economic chaos that followed, many Germans experienced increasing levels of prejudice toward Jews. This surge of hostility can best be explained in terms of the (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. mere exposure effect. b. reciprocity norm. c. just-world phenomenon. d. scapegoat theory. e. bystander effect. | 8.Professor Stewart wrote a very positive letter of recommendation for a student despite his having doubts about her competence. Which theory best explains why he subsequently began to develop more favorable attitudes about the student's abilities? (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. cognitive dissonance theory b. social exchange theory c. two-factor theory d. scapegoat theory e. equity theory| 9. Mr. Hughes heard what sounded like cries for help from a swimmer located 30 yards from the ocean shoreline. He continued walking along the beach, however, b ecause he figured that one of the many swimmers in the vicinity would provide help if it was needed.His reaction best illustrates the dynamics involved in: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the fundamental attribution error. b. group polarization. c. the bystander effect. d. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. e. the mere exposure effect. | 10. In a study of social loafing, blindfolded students were asked to pull on a rope as hard as they could. The students tugged hardest when they thought: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. three others were pulling with them. b. three others were pulling against them. c. no others were pulling with them. d. no one was monitoring how hard they pulled. | 11.Bart complied with his friends' request to join them in smashing decorative pumpkins early one Halloween evening. Later that night he was surprised by his own failure to resist their pressures to throw eggs at passing police cars. Bart's experience best illustrates the: (Points : 1)      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. bystander effect. b. foot-in-the-door phenomenon. c. fundamental attribution error. d. frustration-aggression principle. e. just-world phenomenon. | 12. Although Frieda is typically very reserved, as part of a huge rock concert crowd she lost her inhibitions and behaved in a very sexually provocative way.Frieda's unusual behavior is best understood in terms of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the bystander effect. b. social facilitation. c. deindividuation. d. the mere exposure effect. e. the fundamental attribution error. | 13. Marilyn judges her professor's strict class attendance policy to be an indication of his overcontrolling personality rather than a necessity dictated by the limited number of class sessions in a course that meets only once a week. Her judgment best illustrates: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the mere exposure effect. b. group polarization. c. deindividuation. d. he foot-in-the-door phenomenon. e. the fundamental attrib ution error. |14. Compared to their female classmates, college-age men are ________ likely to engage in unsafe sexual practices and ________ likely to die in auto crashes. (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. more; more b. more; less c. equally; more d. more; equally e. equally; equally| 15. At a social gathering, Latin Americans may behave in a manner that North Americans consider intrusive and overly expressive. This best illustrates the importance of being sensitive to differing: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. norms. b. gene complexes. c. gender identities. . heritability estimates. | 16. In emphasizing that the behavioral effects of heredity depend on the specific environment in which one is raised, psychologists are highlighting the importance of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the double helix. b. gene complexes. c. natural selection. d. nature-nurture interactions. | 17. Compared to women, men are ________ likely to feel comfortable about having casual se x with different partners and ________ likely to feel jealous rage over a mate's having sex with someone else. (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. less; more b. more; less c. less; less d. more; more| 18.Concepts of maleness and femaleness that influence our perceptions are called gender: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. types. b. schemas. c. roles. d. complexes. | 19. Identifying some of the specific genes that contribute to alcoholism would be of most direct interest to: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. evolutionary psychologists. b. molecular geneticists. c. gender schema theorists. d. Freudian psychologists. | 20. Adoptive parents are least likely to influence the ________ of their adopted children. (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. personality traits b. religious beliefs c. political attitudes d. moral values|